The idea of the work was born of the intention me and the peregrines of my circle have to practice the art of creative writing. We based the work on some interactive fiction (IF) principles. As most of the peregrines doesn't program computers, we had to improvise a system which we called Direct Interactive Fiction, or DIF, that consisted not in interacting with a computer program, as it is the case with IF, as being the provider of the situations randomness and the characters' answers. For such we simply used a forum of debates and each one of us introduced alternate passages regarding the plot in order to develop the story. Each coauthor drove a main character and wrote about his or her point of view only, giving the appropriate direction to the plot. Some rules were established so that there were not divergence and discord in the process, as not closing the situations without leaving 'hooks' for the coauthors to proceed, for instance. As that was an experimental work and yet not accomplished before (by us), we didn't know if it would produce a good result. It seems that it succeeded. Have fun!

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Tue Jul 28 11:28:00 2015