This is the account of how I was found on the St. James Way in the summer of two thousand and three by a true peregrine, a woman scout who was on a mission of searching and recognition. She was looking for a peregrine of her kind, although I was not a peregrine in the same sense as her at all. I did not even know that such meaning existed or that peregrines could be so much more than I imagined at that time. I considered myself a peregrine just because I used to carry out long pilgrimages along traditional paths some times, though not for religious reasons. I had been quite independent for almost a year then and used to travel through Europe by myself, both for pilgrimage and for conventional tourism. This is the story of how I became the first peregrine of a circle of seekers that was later known as the Dragon Circle.

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Tue Sep 19 17:32:00 2017