The Privacy Policies will explain with details how your collected information will work during a session of usage at our system.

Your information is collected by two means. First, the software will generate certain number of cookies through your navigator. These are small text files stored in your navigator's cache. The first two cookies contain an identifier of users and an identifier of anonymous session, automatically granted to you by the software.

A third cookie will be created as soon as you have visualized topics and/or forums. It will be used to register what topics were read as to improve your experience while a user of the community.

Cookies external to the software are also necessary to the navigation in our context. However, though they are external its function is only to protect the pages created by the system.

The second way of obtaining your information is through the ones you submit to us. Be through postage as anonymous user, of the registration in our system, or from messages after the registration and the login process, or other.

Your registration will be in exhibition under a unique username, a personal password of access to your account and a valid and restricted e-mail address. The registration information in the "Peregrine" site is protected by the applicable data protection laws in the present country and in the server in which we are housed. Any information besides your username, your password and your e-mail address requested during the registration is under the discretion of our staff regarding to what is indispensable and what is optional. Though, you can always choose what information you want to show.

Your password is codified in our database for a larger safety. It is not advisable that you use the same password for different websites. The password is requested for the access to your registration. Then please keep it in a safe place. See that under no circumstance anybody is authorized to require your password. In case of loss or oblivion, you can use the available option "I forgot the password.". The system will request your username and e-mail address to generate a new password so that you can reactivate your registration.

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